Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kids Teaching Kids

In the latest chapter of my own personal Oddesey, I am employed as a middle school math teacher. My entire family is very excited about this. Mom, especially. At some point, just about everyone in my family has been a teacher in some capacity and well I guess the proverbial apple doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree or orchard for that matter.

So, How do I feel?

Honestly, I love it. I really get off on it for some reason. Today, I taught my students about Venn Diagrams using the collective works of Li'l Wayne, Baby and Mannie Fresh as my sets

The getting up part is still kinda wierd though being that I haven't worked a job in about 9 months and the schedule I kept before I usually got up about 10am and went to bed about 3am. Needless to say this whole 6am thing has been kickin my ass.

The other strange thing is being a disciplinarian. I'm used to breakiing the rules not enforcing them. It's almost some sort of strange episode of Quantum Leap to be confronted with my own pateneted passive-aggressive class clown behavior. I don't know how to respond to it. My parents would beat me but obviously I can't beat the kids nor do I think I'd want to.

Did I mention that there a shit load of hot teachers that work here and I think the spanish teacher has a crush on me? Muy interesante y si ella no tenga cuidado ella va a tomarlo.

All in all it's an exciting new step in the series of reactions whose product is the man called Allan R. Smith.


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