Friday, January 06, 2006

A page Out of the Heathen Saint Bible 1

I find that the truth can always be expressed simply. Here are some words of wisdom that I strive to live by.

There are only two type of people in this world. There are balloons and there are weights. Balloons lift you up. Weights pull you down. Surround yourself with balloons. Stay away from weights. -KVT

The only thing I would add to this is that spotting weights and balloons is not always as easy as we think. I have had some people whom I absolutely adored that I realized where weights. Likewise, I have had some people who I didn't get along with who where balloons. I have had people who where balloons become weights and people who were weights become balloons. It boils down to is this person supporting my growth right now.

I believe every relationship you have is like an investment in your portfolio. Some relationships will greatly enrich you. Others will fuck around and bankrupt you. But positive or negative all relationships yield a return.

My advice to you (& me) is to choose wisely where & how you invest your time & energy with people.

It wasn't funny but it's worth sharing


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