It's all for...
The yoga, the meditation, the pranayama, the sadhanna is to be able to breathe into the fear, the guilt, the shame so that I may honestly face life instead of running away.
The bashrika, anuloma viloma, breath of fire is to be able to create a space to see how my life can be greater than calculations of my mathematical mind.
The seeking, the searching, the sitting, the waiting is for the experience of the mother...the transformation into the that I may surrender at her feet and know....
The take those things from me with which I hurt myself but refuse to surrender.
The guru... to love me and allow me to know love.
The guru... I don't know but I trust...even with my doubts I trust
and teach me, to hold me accountable, to guide me
so that I may stop bullshitting myself
so that I may stop selling myself short
so that I may know the true meaning of salvation
so that I can love with all my heart
so that I may consume the fear and darkness
so that I can serve and share with others in ways that bring me the greatest joy.
and as noble as that might sound
it's still all I,I,I,I and me, me, me, me
so I know that there's so much more work to be done.
The bashrika, anuloma viloma, breath of fire is to be able to create a space to see how my life can be greater than calculations of my mathematical mind.
The seeking, the searching, the sitting, the waiting is for the experience of the mother...the transformation into the that I may surrender at her feet and know....
The take those things from me with which I hurt myself but refuse to surrender.
The guru... to love me and allow me to know love.
The guru... I don't know but I trust...even with my doubts I trust
and teach me, to hold me accountable, to guide me
so that I may stop bullshitting myself
so that I may stop selling myself short
so that I may know the true meaning of salvation
so that I can love with all my heart
so that I may consume the fear and darkness
so that I can serve and share with others in ways that bring me the greatest joy.
and as noble as that might sound
it's still all I,I,I,I and me, me, me, me
so I know that there's so much more work to be done.
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