Monday, April 23, 2007

Wisdom for Right Now

We have all the faith we need to do whatever we want to do. It's up to us to put it in the right place.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Laws of Total Dominion

So, over the next few entries I will be breaking down the Laws of Total Dominion. For the uninitiated, These are a series of 4 laws that I quantified which totally eliminate woman problems from a man's life.

I do not use the term Law loosely. As any disciple of Dominion can tell us, it is a law like Gravity is a law. One thing about all laws of the universe is that when we are in harmony with the laws there are no limits to what we can achieve.

Resistance to the laws leads to suffering.

Whenever we have been happy with our woman situation you were in line with the Law.

Whenever we have been upset with our woman situation we were out of line with the Law.

Total Dominion is the Universal Law governing relationships between men and women. Living in Harmony with the Law leads to whatever we want with women. One Night Stands, Menage Trois, dating multiple women, pimping, and of course ... the ever elusive True Love are all (and posssibly only) available through Total Dominion.

Resistance to the Law leads to suffering.

It took me 27 years to figure this stuff out. I have suffered and cried needlessly because I was ignorant of these laws. One year after living in Dominion, the only problems I have are selecting the best possible candidate from a field of willing participants.

Total Dominion has changed my life.

It has changed the lives of the men I have taught as well.

The details & situations may be different but the results are the same: happiness, success and peace with women.

In a world where men have forgotten how to be men this is needed. The stress that comes in your life from not having your relationships under control ruins our lives. Just take a look at the student at Virginia Tech who murdered 32 people after a fight with his girlfriend. This example is an extreme example but an example, nonetheless of the consequences of allowing women to be a source of stress in our lives.

So here it is.

My gift to the world.

Total Dominion

Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Allan R. Smith

The Dream

Approximately 3 years ago....

I see myself. I am walking around my girlfriend's house in the dark. I am walking around flipping different light switches in different rooms but none of them seem to work. I am confused. All of a sudden a voice comes to me and says, "Why don't you just wake up?" All of a sudden All I see fades to white.

I then awoke from my sleep.

I am now awake from my dream.

Thank you, Father.

I am awake.

Let him who hath ears hear!!! (lol!!!)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

There's no such thing as...

a educated person. You're either learning or you're not. - Bob Proctor