It wasn't until I started writing this Blog that I even realized that I had a penchant for writing.
Most of my life I have avoided writing. For as long as I can remember, I've had continuous reinforcement that I'm not good at writing. Whether it be penmanship, penmanship lessons, criticism of how I hold my pencil/pen, shitty ass journal assignments, shitty paper assignments about books that I didn't care about or understand, Junior writing exams (which encompassed all of the aforementioned), Lab reports, or grad school lit reviews. My experiences with writing have been painful.
This blog is first place I have found my voice as a writer. It is my first taste of the joy of the written word.
At this point in my life, what's coming up for me is the need to express myself freely, so i'm returning to writing
The written word, as a medium, is unmatched for the ability to flesh out and refine thought. Right now miss that like the dessert misses the rain (Yes, I just quoted Everything but The Girl).
So we'll see what happens but I think ultimately I could end up saving the other half of my life.